Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What do I expect....?

Sooo it's really hard for me to imagine what anything outside of the U.S. must be like. I feel like my brain can only see the four corners of America and nothing outside of it. I mean I've read articles and stories in textbooks and seen pictures, but I honestly cannot fathom what it must be like to actually live in Spain! BUT from what I've heard and researched I do have some expectations.

BULLFIGHTING!!!!...duhhh! I heard they treat these guys like football players over there lol. But I also heard they kill the bull at the end of the show :( #nobueno

Freakin' Flamenco Dancers. I haven't heard Flamenco music yet..I thought about downloading it on my iTunes, but nahhh. Changed my mind lol. I really wanna buy one of these dresses lol. 

Numerous Cafe's. Like tons. I assume they really love coffee over there. I must try. I want to look bougie sippin' my coffee outside on the sidewalk too haha. 

Wine tasting :) oh how I cannot wait! I feel like Europeans (not just Spaniards), have a glass of wine with every meal. I think I'm gonna really like that. P.S. the drinking age over there is 18 ;) booyah!

I know there has to be a million of these freakin castles. There was like 15 King Henry's! Do they still have Kings and Queens?? hmm...I really don't know. 

Ahhhhh!!!! Soccer...I mean fútbol! do I really have to explain ? I wanna pick up on a few moves tho lol.

The lovely Picasso. I imagine there being a famous Picasso painting in every major building. It's only right.

...and the market lol. As far as I know, this is their grocery store. Everybody shops here, right ? I heard it's pretty cheap so I know this place will be my best friend :)