Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Ride Over....

Where do I start ? Let me just say....that first flight from Fort Lauderdale to New Jersey...I just knew I wasn't going to make it. It wasn't a smooth process at all. First, people were late boarding the plane. It looked like it was about to rain outside so the pilot was really trying to rush to take off. He's like "The weather isn't looking to good outside, but we'll just go ahead and give it a try" :-| give what a try sir? This is my life. Automatic Red flag. Anyhow, the plane took foreverrrr to take off. Everybody told me to chew gum so silly me not knowing when to start chewing or whatever, I'm like hardcore chewing this gum while we're just sitting on the runway while the pilot was doing whatever. By the time it was "time" for me to chew the gum my jaws had locked up lmao! Unfortunately, I didn't get to sit next to Zachoria on this flight. I sat next to some Swedish lady and her 7yr old son who got the window seat. When I say I was pissed that he had the window, I was pissed lol. I say about 5mins into the flight the plane just jerks out.of.control for what seemed like an eternity. My seat was in the back so I could look up and see everybody's faces in the aisle and nobody seemed to be phased by this massive turbulence but ME! I looked out of the window to my right and the poor wing on the plane was just flapping away. I never said my prayers so hard in fast a day in my life lol!!!! So I scrambled to get my ipod, you know take my mind off of what was going on because clearly no one else was worried and guess what was the 1st song that comes on my shuffle?? "Sky Might Fall" by Kid Cudi -________- ok now I'm feeling like I wanna cry lmao! The flight attendants were nice and calm but one lady had a heavy foot and that didn't help the situation at all either lol. Despite all that I think I'm gonna agree with Akeem on the landing being the worst part. It takes too long, and on this flight my ears we're popping like crazzzzzy, my throat was burning, and it felt like my neck was stinging lol. Maybe it was my nerves lol.  Oh oh! I almost forgot to mention I was able to see the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan out of the window on the left as we were about to land in New Jersey. That was pretty cool :)

Second flight from New Jersey to Switzerland was pretty cool. I was a little scared to fly at night especially over water, but this one was actually my fav flight. We got 2 meals! Dinner AND breakfast...even though dinner was nasty. I started reading this book on the plane called The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene.

 It's really good so far and if you know me you would know that I hate reading, but I think I may actually finish this whole book lol. Minor goal of mine. Zachoria and I sat next to each other this flight thanks to this nice lady. Random: There was this one flight attendant on our plane who just looked a mess. Flight attendants are suppose to be wear nice make up, do their hair, and look cute. She did neither. I was a little disappointed in her but I'm just gonna assume she was having a bad day lol. Hey, it happens.

Got to Switzerland and I quickly got annoyed. The people there were so rude. My bag tilted over on this one lady on the escalator and she was like "ay yi yi! oh my gosh! Could you get to one side of the escalator" (in her Swiss accent) and then she stormed away. She was really do the most. I felt like everybody stared at us with disgust. Maybe it was just me....or not. I would have to say the airport in Switzerland was my worst experiences thus far.

We met up with some of the kids from our program too so that was cool. Now the jacked up flight attendant lady I was just telling y'all about should have seen the Swiss flight attendants. Now they were fly..haha literally. That was my bad attempt to make a joke. Moving along. I was lucky enough to get a window seat! Finally!!! We was able to see the Swiss Alps from the plane.

It was absolutely breath taking. Then we flew above the clouds. I felt like I was in Heaven. I promise I was looking for Jesus because it was just too beautiful I knew he had to be somewhere lurking around lol. Omg! I got the best sandwich on this flight.

They gave us cucumbers and cheese sandwiches...I know sounds weird and plain but I loved it!!! They let me get TWO! Then a couple minutes before we landed they gave us pieces of Swiss chocolate. This was my 2nd favorite flight.

& then finally I reached my destination. Valencia, Spain......


  1. I feel like I'm right there with you! Lol. Glad you made it safely!

  2. Mentorrrr,omg that first flight sounded awful. People always tell you to look at the flight attendents to know whether or not to be worried, but I'm always like well yeah they're calm they're not looking out my window the whole flight lol. But I'm happy to hear that you made it to Spain have fun and keep taking pictures :)

  3. Well it was my 1st time. I don't know all the in's and out's to flying lol. They seem calm all the time.
